August 5, 2024

Discover new uses for your data

Discover new uses for your data

One of the virtues of the Data approach is that it allows us to go factually beyond what our professional experience inspires us: data mining very often provides insights that we would not have imagined using traditional brainstorming methods.

Collective intelligence and the Data approach are not in competition with each other: they are not only complementary but, above all, essential in today’s business models.

Exploiting your data can, for example:

✅ Discover new consumer behaviors (that surpass or revolutionize your preconceptions),

✅ Identify breakpoints in your production chain (that you never identified before),

✅ Understand why one product sells better than another.

Data is not a goal, but a means to an end. A very effective means.

How can you make the most of it? The big challenge lies in your ability to identify sufficiently precise and value-creating use cases for your data assets. But how do you define relevant and innovative use cases?

Generating use cases requires an initial ideation process, asking the right questions: What is the problem to be solved?

It is then that the exploration and exploitation of data can unfold its informative potential and become a valuable source of knowledge.

Implicit in this is the facilitation of the brainstorming and convergence phases, which naturally lead to the formalization of use cases useful for the development and growth of the company.

It is a complex exercise, but vital for any organization that wants to improve its performance and drive innovation.

Identifying accurate, measurable and achievable business use cases is now the prerequisite for any approach to making the most of your data and generating new opportunities.

This requires the application of a precise, collaborative and expert methodology that continuously coordinates the creativity of your business experts, the possibilities offered by accessible data (which is often more numerous than you think) and the state of the art of Data and AI technologies.

Are you spending quality time defining your business use cases, and isn’t it time you did?

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