Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The use of this website and its forms requires the acceptance of the processing of user data in accordance with this privacy policy, including the collection of access data and the sending of commercial information electronically.

Responsible for the processing of data and contact information

The responsible is: K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L.
Contact details of the responsible: 93 535 15 00

Purpose, legitimacy and conservation of data processing.

The data is processed in order to provide access to the online content of the website, as well as to respond to requests from users of the website, keep a record of visits (IP addresses, browser data, country, page accessed, etc.) for statistical purposes, implement measures aimed at the security of the website, as well as, where appropriate, send commercial information about our products and services by electronic means.
The user can contact K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. through four different means:

  • Contact form. You are provided with a direct means through this website to contact us and to answer your requests for information, as well as to send you communications of our products, services and activities, including by electronic means if the acceptance box is checked. The consent of the user to request information through our contact form and by checking the box of acceptance of sending information is the legitimate basis for processing the data submitted, which will be retained until once your request through our form or answered by email, if it has not generated a new treatment, and if you have agreed to receive commercial mailings, until you request the cancellation of the same.
  • Chat function. The user of the website can contact through the chat service provided by our supplier, s.r.o (for more information The information provided by the user through this service will be stored for a period of 14 days in the systems of K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. for quality purposes and to be able to offer a better service. This treatment is based on our legitimate interest in providing a better service. If you wish to show your opposition at a later date, you can send it to us at any time through the e-mail address: In the event that the conversation ends up contracting a service, the chat information will be retained for the period corresponding to the contractual relationship, based on the legal basis of the execution of a contract.

When you use the chat on our website, s.r.o. installs different cookies on your device. These cookies are necessary to enable the operation of the service. For more information, please read our cookie policy.

  • Sending e-mail. The user can contact us by means of the e-mail address provided by K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. The purpose of processing your data is to answer your requests for information, attend your requests and answer your queries or doubts. The legitimacy to treat the data will be the consent of the user to request information through the email address. We will keep this data until the request is solved, as long as it has not generated a new treatment.
  • Sending of Curriculum Vitae. This sending can be done both by the form ¡Trabaja en K-LAGAN! The purpose of the processing of this data is to be able to have your resume to participate in our recruitment processes. The legitimacy for this treatment is the consent of the user or potential employee to send us your personal information for our recruitment processes. These data shall be kept in the systems of K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. for the duration of the development of the open personnel selection processes and for future processes.

Recipients and Transfers

Recipients: K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L.
In order to provide services strictly necessary for the development of, data is shared with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

  • Hosting server where the web is hosted: Dinahosting, S.L., domiciled in A Coruña (Spain). Dinahosting, S.L. treats the data with the purpose of providing hosting services to
  • E-mail marketing: The Rocket Science Group LLC (Mailchimp), domiciled in Atlanta (United States). The user can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by means of a specific link at the bottom of each mailing he/she receives.
  • Google Analytics: web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. with headquarters in the United States.

International transfer (outside the European Economic Area) is not foreseen, except for storage purposes, and in any case based on the existence of an adequacy decision or based on the existence of adequate safeguards.
In the event that K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. intends to transfer personal data to a third country or international organization, at the time the personal data is obtained, the user shall be informed about the third country or international organization to which it intends to transfer the data, as well as the legitimate basis for such transfer.
Data retention period
At least for the periods established by the applicable legislation and in any case for as long as the consent remains valid.
Rights of individuals in relation to their data
Those affected have the right to: access, rectify and delete their data; request the portability of their data; oppose the processing or request its limitation; withdraw the consent given, if applicable.
The withdrawal of consent will in no case condition the execution of the subscription contract or the relationships previously generated.
To do so, you can send your request in writing or by e-mail to the address of the data controller, including the reference “Data Protection” and specifying the specific right you wish to exercise and with respect to which personal data affected.
To facilitate identification, we recommend that the data subject attach a copy of his/her ID card or passport to the request.
Those affected can also make a complaint to the Data Protection Supervisory Authority (

Accuracy and updating of data

The user must fill in the forms with true, accurate, complete and current data. The user shall not enter data corresponding to another person; it shall be presumed that the data have been provided by the owner of the same. The user shall be solely responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, that may be caused to any person as a result of filling in the form with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date data or data relating to another person.
The user must communicate any changes in the data provided in order to keep their data properly updated.

Information Security

K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. has taken all the legally required measures for the protection of personal data; likewise, it has adopted all the technical devices within its reach to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, access or theft of the personal data provided by the users of the website. The user shall bear in mind, however, that security measures on the Internet are not absolutely inviolable.


K-LAGAN ESPAÑA, S.L. prohibits the use of its web services by users under fourteen years of age, except with the express consent of their parents or guardians.
Under no circumstances may minors provide data that allow obtaining information about the other members of the family group, or about the characteristics of the same, such as data relating to the professional activity of the parents, economic information, sociological data or any other, without the consent of the owners of such data.

This website uses its own and third party cookies for various purposes including analytics and personalization, as well as those implemented for the proper functioning of the chat service.
Read our cookie policy carefully to learn about the types of cookies used, and how to block and delete them in your browser.

Web Analytics

This website uses various analytics to understand how it is searched, accessed and used by the public. These analytics may involve the collection of personal data such as IP address, connection location, browsing software or hardware information, etc. This information is not associated with users and is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the company’s website.

Use of third-party features and plug-ins

This website may incorporate features and plug-ins provided by third parties for various purposes, for example: third-party web analytics, third-party maps, third-party videos, social media sharing, etc.
A third-party feature or add-on establishes a direct connection between the user’s browser and Internet domains controlled by the third party, allowing the feature to be downloaded and executed.
Also, most third-party plug-ins collect which pages users visit to learn about their interests and then provide tailored advertising.

Use of the Google Analytics function provided by Google, Inc.

This website integrates analytical functions of Google Inc. (1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA, USA) to learn how it is searched, accessed and used by users. To this end, when using this website, the user’s browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the internet domain and other Google domains. This allows Google to record user activity as well as information regarding your IP address. Google Analytics uses persistent cookies to compile anonymous statistics on the use of this website in accordance with the following privacy policy: By using this website you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Use of functions provided by Google, Inc.

This website integrates functions of Google Inc. (1600 AMPHITHEATRE PARKWAY, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA, USA), such as YouTube videos, maps and “+1” buttons. For this purpose, when using the website, the user’s browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of the internet domain and other Google domains. This allows Google to know that the user has visited the website from your IP address. Google makes use of persistent cookies, local storage and local Flash storage on the user’s device, for various purposes including the collection of user activity on the Internet in order to offer advertising tailored to your interests, in accordance with its privacy policies: By using this website you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

This privacy policy may be modified to adapt it to changes that occur on our website, as well as legislative or jurisprudential changes on data protection that may arise, so it requires reading each time you provide us with your data through this website.


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