Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Cookies and local storage policy

Cookie Settings

This website uses cookies and similar technologies to provide the service, as well as to allow us to improve it, through obtaining statistics on its use, and other purposes.
Browsing this website necessarily involves the use of cookies and similar technologies as long as it is necessary for its operation. Also, for certain purposes, cookies and local storage will be subject to your prior consent. You can accept or reject cookies through the established configuration system and it is also possible to configure your browser to prevent their use.
This policy forms part of our privacy policy and includes the following:

  • What are cookies?
  • What are cookies used for?
  • What do we mean by cookie-like technologies?
  • What are third-party cookies? Who are the recipients of the information?
  • What third-party functions and features do we use on our website?
  • How long are cookies or similar technologies kept active?
  • Using browsers with private browsing mode
  • How to prevent the use of cookies and how to delete them?
  • Detailed information about the cookies used by this website

What are cookies?

Cookies are small temporary files that are created on the user’s device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website, and that allow the website to store or retrieve information when you browse, for example, to save your preferences or to recognize you on subsequent visits, as well as to obtain information about your browsing habits.
When a website creates a cookie on the user’s device, it stores the address/domain of the website that created the cookie, the duration of the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years, as well as the content of the cookie. The user can disable cookies at any time through the configuration system of this website, as well as configure your browser to prevent (block) the use of cookies by certain websites, as well as delete previously stored cookies.

What are cookies used for?

The most common uses or purposes are:

  • Essential technical cookies. They are used to manage the flow of navigation within the web or to keep the user connected to it. By disabling them, it is possible that some sections of the website may not work properly.
  • Personalization Cookies. Necessary to remember certain user preferences.
  • Analytical Cookies. They help us and third parties to collect information about the origin of the users and their navigation within the web, in order to perform a statistical analysis to improve the structure and contents.
  • Advertising Cookies. Used to manage the ads that appear on the web, decide the content or frequency of the ads.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies. They help to collect the user’s browsing habits to create a profile of their interests and to show ads tailored to them.
  • Social sharing cookies. They are necessary to identify the user in their social networks and thus allow them to share content.

What do we mean by technologies similar to cookies?

Similar technologies are any type of data storage and retrieval mechanism used on the user’s device to obtain information. The most common include:

  • The browser’s local storage. Some websites use local storage called “sessionStorage” and “localStorage”, as well as the browser’s indexed database, to store information;
  • The local storage of browser plug-ins, such as Flash local storage (“Flash Local Shared Objects”) or Silverlight local storage (“Isolated Objects”).
  • The “web beacon” is a tracking technique that consists of inserting in a web page (or in an email) an image hosted on an Internet server so that, when the browser or email program connects to the server to download and view the image, the connection is recorded. This allows to know that the user has visualized the web page or the mail. Sometimes this image is very small or transparent so that the user is not aware of its existence.
  • The “fingerprinting” techniques that combine information obtained from the browser or the navigation equipment to distinguish a user in his successive visits to different websites.

What are third-party cookies?Who are the recipients of the information?

Cookies on this website can be classified, depending on who creates them, into two categories:

  • Own cookies: they are created and managed from our websites and web domains, being the information obtained managed directly or indirectly by us for our own purposes.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies that are created and managed from other websites that, although not completely under our control, provide functions and features that we have decided to include on our website, such as, for example: interactive maps, videos and multimedia elements, buttons for sharing on social networks, advertisements, etc. These cookies are under the control of the third party that provides the corresponding function.

The vast majority of third-party features involve access to or collection of information (and the use of cookies) by the third party providing the feature, based on their own criteria and purposes, including the collection of your browsing habits to show you personalized advertising. The following section lists the third-party functions and features used on this website.

What third party functions and features do we use on our website?

The following provides a summary table of the functions and features provided by third parties on our website that involve the use of cookies.

For how long are cookies or similar technologies active?

Depending on their permanence or time of activity, we can differentiate between:

  • Temporary session cookies; they remain stored in the navigation equipment until the user leaves the web page; the browser deletes them at the end of the navigation session.
  • Persistent cookies; they remain in the navigation equipment and the web reads them every time the user makes a new visit. These cookies are automatically deleted after a certain period of time, which can be short or very long.

Information on the duration of cookies is included in this policy; for more information, please consult our privacy policy, as well as the information provided in the privacy policies of third party web function providers.

Use of browsers with private browsing mode

If you wish to use this website with a higher degree of privacy and limit the cookies being stored for long periods of time, we recommend that you use a web browser that has a “private” browsing option. You can obtain information about this possibility in the help pages of the most common browsers:

BrowserName of the private browsing functionMore information
Internet Explorer 8 and higher

Microsoft Edge
InPrivate (Explorer) (Microsoft Edge)
Safari 2 and higherPrivate navigation
Opera 10.5 and higherPrivate navigation
FireFox 3.5 and higherPrivate navigation
Google Chrome 10 and higherIncognito mode

How to prevent the use of cookies and how to delete them?

Most browsers allow you to disable cookies globally. Many browsers also allow you to delete cookies associated with specific websites/domains. To do this the user should consult the help of your browser. Below are links to the help pages of the most common browsers to learn how to configure cookies in each one:

To delete the data saved in the browser’s local storage, the user can delete the browsing history.
For other browsers, as well as for any clarification or questions about cookies on this website, you can contact us by email, writing to
Important notice: in case of blocking cookies, it is possible that certain services or functionalities of the website may not work properly.

NOTE: the information provided is as of 12-03-2022 and we inform you that with the passage of time may not be exhaustive, although this cookie policy is periodically reviewed.


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