Enhancing Eco-Design: K-LAGAN’s Innovative Approach to RGESN Standards

Over the last few months, we’ve published 2 articles on eco-design and the RGESN (French Eco-design standard) to introduce them to you. We’re convinced that the RGESN standard has a great future, and that it will enable our digital services to improve their environmental impact. However, like all standards, and even more so for recent […]

Ecodesign and RGESN introduction

The RGESN (Référentiel Général d’Eco-conception des Services Numériques) is a French standard dedicated to eco-design issues.. Just as the RGAA (derived from the WCAG) aims to improve software accessibility, the RGESN’s objective is to reduce the environmental impact of digital services by focusing, at present, on 79 specific criteria. These criteria are divided into 8 […]

What is Green IT?

Definition According to the Greenit.fr website, the definition of Green IT is : A continuous improvement process designed to reduce the environmental, social and economic impact of digital technology. You’ll note that Green IT is first and foremost a process of continuous improvement. This means that, whatever its current level, Green IT can be achieved […]

How to Start Your Journey in the Agile World: A Beginner’s Guide

Entering the agile realm can be intimidating for novices. This approach, which originated in software development and has now spread to a variety of industries, represents more than a methodology: it’s a mindset and culture. Here are the key steps to start your journey into the agile world. Understand the Fundamentals and Framework If you […]

International Human Resources Day

Today is 20 May, International #HumanResources Day.Congratulations to our super team, always looking out for the wellbeing of our people and selecting the best possible talent. K-LAGAN TEAM, THANK YOU!!! Looking for a new opportunity? Enter the “Jobs” section of Linkedin and find your new challenge. We are waiting for you!

What’s new in the RGESN 2024

2 weeks ago, we published an article presenting the RGESN and eco-design. In the meantime, a new version of the RGESN has been published… and it has brought a number of changes that we felt were important to present. A new topic: Algorithms This is the most visible new feature! The RGEN has no longer […]

Solidarity Day 2023

On October 6th, we celebrate the Eighth Edition of our SOLIDARITY DAY of K-LAGAN. A working day where all the people who work in K-LAGAN, we left our professional day to day, in this case, to learn about environmental sustainability related to the One Health concept focusing on our own self-care relating to the planet. […]

Summer Dinner 2023

Last June 30th took place our awaited K-LAGAN SUMMER DINNER. A special meeting, full of reunions and good vibes. Together we grow! Together we make the K-LAGAN of today and tomorrow. Companies are nothing more than the result of the sum of all its people and in K-LAGAN we are very proud to have the […]

Orikalko 2.0

K-LAGAN, is constantly committed to INNOVATION. We are carrying out our innovation project called Orikalko. 4 very interesting sessions with the aim of launching a new product, something really revolutionary. Our innovation project called Orikalko is taking shape. Orikalko 2.0 Summary

International Fibromyalgia Day

K-LAGAN joins today the International Day of Fibromyalgia, a disease that is not well known but suffers from 3 % to 6 % of the world population. Look at the testimony of our colleague Sara Pérez Sánchez.

We launch K-WOMAN

Today, we launch in K-LAGAN K-WOMAN, our community of Technological Women that is born with the purpose of creating a network of all the women of K-LAGAN to generate a space for reflection, support, networking, awareness but also with the aim of promoting actions that allow to give visibility and empower women in the digital […]


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